Given what I have read, talked about, and thought about,
here are some conclusions which I have reached regarding the topic of the
creation of this world. For the most part, these are things about which I have
a very definite position and which I firmly believe are critical to a correct
understanding of the Bible’s view of creation. This is not a comprehensive
list, but it is things to which I am deeply committed as based in the truth of
1. God made everything. It seems simple but I state it
anyways. Genesis may not explicitly say that God created everything from
nothing, but the fact that God made heaven and earth is an indication that God
made one end of things and the other, and so everything in between. Plus,
Scripture clearly states that “All things were made through him, and without
him was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:3) And so, the great truth
of Genesis for then is the same as for now: creation isn’t self-created or
accidental. It was created with a specific purpose by a Creator who is separate
from his creation.
2. Adam was as a single, actual human being who had the
specific job of being the moral and physical representative of all human beings
who would come. Completely apart from the fact that Genesis understands Adam as
a real, historically-placed figure, the amount of New Testament theology that
is built upon Adam and the role of Jesus as the Second Adam requires that Adam,
like Jesus, would be a real human figure who was just like all the humans that
he represents. If Jesus had to be a real human being who was the same as all
the humans he represented in order to save them, so Adam had to be a real human
being who was the same as all the humans he represented and doomed. I’ve heard DNA-based
arguments about the number of different original humans; there are possible
explanations and they’re probably not provable. On this one, I simply cannot
budge: there must have been a man who God called ‘Adam’ and entrusted with
being the representative of all humanity, just like the Second Adam who
represented all humanity in his life, death, and resurrection.
3. Creation was different before Adam and Eve fell. While
evolutionary theory holds that death and violence were always present as part
of the cycle of life, somehow things changed when Adam sinned. There was a time
when the earth was not “groaning in the pains of childbirth” (Rom. 8:22) and it
obviously now is. What that looked like, I cannot even guess at and speculation
would be silly; but it is clear that Adam’s sin (and our sin) harms creation at
large, harm that will be repaired in Christ’s second coming
4. Humans were created special and different, not simply
the continuation of an evolutionary trend. Why? 2 Main reasons:
1) We were made in the image of God. That truth resonates
all throughout Scripture and it sets us apart from the rest of creation, making
us viceregents (‘little kings’) who rule the earth under the Great Regent
(King), God. We were made in the image of God, not in the perfected image of a
long line of ever-developing creatures. Animals may or may not have come about
through this chain, but humans absolutely did not.
2) Death is our enemy, not a natural part of us. 1 Cor.
15:26 calls death the last enemy to be defeated. The Tree of Life in the
Garden, the curse of death upon humans, the death of death at the hands of
Christ—all of these tell me that the greatest enemy of humans is death; and Genesis
doesn’t talk about death as spiritual, but as real, physical, end of life death.
The story of Genesis says, unlike any culture that has existed or will, that
the true nature of humanity was not death but life—eternal life with God.
Jesus, as the representative of humanity, redeemed humanity to be what they
were meant to be, and he redeemed them to immortality—physical immortality in a
physical resurrection. We were never meant to die, that was a function of the
curse. We were meant to live forever in the presence of God. And if humans were
meant to live forever, they cannot simply be the most recent link in a chain of
evolution in which all previous creatures were mortal and had to live and die
to continue the cycle. Humans had to be part of something different, in this
case, the image of God.
5. Evolution as a system of understanding how the world
works comes with serious issues which can be damaging to our faith. (See my
previous post, “Everything Evolves”.) If someone is willing to spend a certain
amount of time in evolutionary theory, or is willing to subscribe to any number
of conclusions derived from it, they must be careful not to be caught up in
some of the more dangerous elements of philosophical evolution, as some of the
most foundational elements of evolutionary theory stand directly opposed to the
truth about creation, the world, and God as Genesis and the rest of Scripture
6. The current ruling understanding of how the universe
was made (atheistic evolution) is no more innocuous than the ruling
understanding at the time Genesis was written (polytheism). Both understandings
lead to the belief that humans are partially or entirely accidental and are
therefore allowed to do as they please; the reigning perspective today says
that humans are the pinnacle of all things, the very best that exists, and
entitled to the best the world has, so long as they can get their hands on it
safely. Atheistic evolution, like polytheism, is a potentially devastating cocktail
of truth and lies which stands now as the most popular replacement for belief
in the One True God. Those who would seek its truths must be doubly wary of its
lies. This is not to say that everything there must be untrue, but that in
seeking the truth in a system which replaces God, one must be very careful of
the lies that are certainly present.
I stand as part of a generation that is at the
cutting-edge of the sword that has to think through how the Word of God can fit
with what is being discovered by modern science; how that works out will deeply
affect my ministry to my peers and to those younger than me for the rest of my
life. What things will ultimately work out to, I cannot say—I am no prophet.
But at this early stage in the development of our understanding, it’s important
for us to lay out the most basic principles, the guns that we stand by, the
things that we proclaim as true regardless of what the scientific community may
propose. Some of the things I have posited as solid principles may see change
or development at various levels. But I am claiming at this point that these
are some of the things which I think will stand, the ones where I can and at
times will draw the line.
(Please feel free to comment, discuss, add, or disagree.
I’ve got a thick skin. Type away if you’ve got something on your mind.)
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